SURABAYA - Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwilkumham) East Java proposed as many as 449 Christian prisoners to obtain special remissions for Christmas 2023. "This proposal is carried out automatically through a correctional database system," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) East Java Heni Yuwono in his statement quoted by ANTARA, Friday 22 December. Former Secretary of the Directorate General of Corrections said that the proposal carried out by the correctional database system considered several conditions. Starting from general requirements such as the criminal period that has been served. Until special conditions such as religion are adopted. "Currently, verification and validation are being carried out at the Directorate General of Corrections," continued Heni. So, the proposed number may increase or decrease. If during the verification process it is found that the conditions are incomplete, it will be reviewed. "Meanwhile, manual verification is still needed to ensure that the inmates get their rights appropriately and according to the applicable rules," said Heni.

Even so, Heni emphasized that the process of proposing the granting of the rights of the inmates in the form of remissions is free. If there are irregularities, his party will not hesitate to impose sanctions according to applicable regulations. "Please report to us if there are irregularities in the process, but we are sure that the proposal automatically through the correctional database system is effective enough to minimize irregularities," he said.

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