The joint SAR team finally found a crew member of the Sri Jaya ship named Saepudin (43) who drowned in the Muara Angke embankment in a dead condition on Thursday, December 21. The victim was found floating above the surface of the water.

When first found, the victim's body was between the boat that was parked in the estuary area about 1 km from the scene.

"The victim's body was finally found by the joint SAR team around the estuary. We immediately evacuated the victim and handed it over to the family to be brought to Indramayu," said Head of Basarnas Jakarta, Fazzli when confirmed, Thursday, December 21, evening.

Fazzli said previously the search for victims had been carried out by joint SAR personnel by dividing the search area into 2 two.

The first team conducted an effort to search under the surface of the water through a dive process around the scene with a depth of approximately 4 meters.

Then the second team conducted a sweep of the waters towards the estuary using a rubber boat up to a radius of 1 KM from the scene.

Saepudin (43), a crew member of the Sri Jaya ship (ABK), has drowned in the sea embankment in the waters of Kali Adem, Muara Angke, North Jakarta since last Wednesday, December 20.

The victim drowned after previously slipping while bathing and falling into the sea and then disappeared by the current of the waves.

The victim's colleague who knew about the incident had given help, but because of the strong current, the victim was no longer visible.

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