JAKARTA - Basarnas Ternate, North Maluku (Malut) continues to search for a fisherman who fell from a canoe while going to sea in the waters in the area.

The head of the Ternate Basarnas, Fathur Rahman, said that his party received a report of the fall of a fisherman named Robi Buka (45) from Babang, South Halmahera Regency (Halsel) at 16.20 WIT, Wednesday, December 20.

After coordinating, Basarnas dispatched a team to the location with marine SAR equipment to carry out a search for victims at 16.35 WIT.

The victim initially said goodbye to his wife to leave the fishing around the waters of Sayoang Village on Wednesday, December 20 at 18.30 WIT.

However, as of Thursday, December 21, Robi Buka had not returned home. Only the victim's boat was found by Basarnas in a search operation until this afternoon.

Previously, the Basarnas team managed to save a fisherman named Suwandi (30) from Rua, Ternate City, who had reportedly not returned from fishing in North Maluku waters on Thursday, December 21, at around 09.00 WIT.

Suwandi, who had been evacuated safely, was then returned to his family in Rua Village.

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