North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan revealed, D (49), one of 5 women arrested at Gading Nias Apartment, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta regarding the practice of abortion, is not a real doctor. D is a fake doctor who does not have medical capacity.
"D (49) does not have the medical capacity to have an abortion", said Kombes Gidion, in his statement, Wednesday, December 20.
Meanwhile, his colleague with the initials OIS (42) is an assistant who promotes and markets the practice of abortion.
"Assisted by OIS as marketing. Doing mobile practice, coincidentally when the suspect was arrested, he rented a room unit in the Kelapa Gading apartment," he explained.
According to D's confession, there were about 20 fetuses that were aborted using their services.
"There have been 20 fetuses over the past two months," he said.
To use services D (49), patients have to spend Rp. 10 million to Rp. 12 million.
"The tariff is around Rp. 10 million to Rp. 12 million," said Gidion.
As a result of their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 53 paragraph (1) Jo. Article 428 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 17 of 2023 concerning health and or Article 436 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 17 of 2023. Article 45A of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning child protection with a threat of 10 years in prison.
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