YOGYAKARTA Christmas celebrations in Indonesia are no less lively with the Christmas celebration traditions in several other countries. In fact, in Indonesia there are various unique traditions that can only be found when religious moments occur. So what are the traditions that are usually carried out during Christmas in Indonesia?

The unique tradition of Christmas celebrations in Indonesia is a mixture of traditional and religious culture. The cultural assimilation process actually adds to the cultural treasures in the country. Here are some unique traditions during Christmas 2023 in Indonesia.

Papuans also celebrate Christmas with the Bakar Batu tradition, which is to cook a crowd with stones placed in a hole and then coat it with banana leaves and weeds and then lit fire.

At that moment, Papuans will cook the produce of the earth such as tubers or vegetables and hunted, especially pigs. After cooking, residents will eat a crowd.

Rabo-Rabo tradition is a Christmas tradition originating from Tugu Village, Cilincing Area, North Jakarta. Historically, Tugu Village is an area that was visited by Christians from the Portuguese.

In Rabo-Rabo language it means 'Ekor-Kelang'. This tradition is carried out by traveling around the village as well as visiting the homes of relatives and neighbors. In the tradition of singing keroncong songs that are identical to the Portuguese.

At the peak of the Rabo-Rabo celebration, a Bath will be carried out, namely drawing the faces of relatives and neighbors using white powder. This activity is a symbol of sin and forgiveness as well as a form of welcoming the New Year with a holy and clean body and soul.

As a City of Culture, Yogyakarta also has a tradition of Christmas unions, namely the performance of Wayang Wahyu. Wayang Wahyu is usually made of skin or cardboard with characters and stories based on stories in the Bible.

Wayang Wahyu is not just entertainment but as a medium of moral learning for the community by conveying revelations or the word of God. This shadow can also be witnessed by everyone regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, and so on.

Bali is famous for its high tolerance areas. It is natural that Bali has a tradition mixed with Christian culture, namely Ngejot and Penjor. Culture is quite lively.

The Ngejot tradition in Bali is a Christmas tradition that is held in the form of sharing food and drinks with each other. Meanwhile, the Penjor tradition in Bali is a tradition that is carried out by installing bamboo high-curves. Both are done as a form of gratitude for what has been given.

Marbinda and Marhobas are quite lively Christmas cultures in Indonesia. This tradition is carried out by the people of Batak Toba, North Sumatra. The Marbinda celebration itself was carried out by slaughtering animals ahead of Christmas.

After the Marbinda tradition is carried out, the community will carry out the Marhobas culture, namely cooking slaughtered animals and only carried out by men. This culture is carried out as a form of gratitude as well as strengthening togetherness between communities.

In addition to celebrating Christmas with your family, you can also do various exciting activities that can be done with your partner during Christmas.

That's information related to Christmas celebrations in Indonesia. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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