KULON PROGO - Kulon Progo District Health Office, Yogyakarta Special Region, revealed the findings of two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the local area. Head of the Kulon Progo District Health Office, Sri Budi Utami, said two new COVID-19 patients were known from the hospital report (RS) that handled them. "Both of them tested positive for COVID-19. Both are under recent monitoring," Sri said in Kulon Progo, Antara, Wednesday, December 20. Data on confirmed COVID-19 patients is in the hospital. However, the two patients underwent treatment because they experienced symptoms similar to COVID-19. After undergoing a series of examinations including sampling, it was found that both of them were positive for COVID-19. "Both of them are now being treated in special wards at the Wates Hospital. Their condition is currently getting better," he said. Sri Budi Utami appealed to the public not to panic about new cases of COVID-19. The thing that needs to be done by the community is to always maintain a healthy lifestyle, wash hands, wear masks in the crowd. "People don't need to worry. Right now, the important thing is that people are more resistant so they don't get exposed easily," he said. Meanwhile, Acting Regent of Kulon Progo Ni Made Dwipanti Indrayanti appealed to the public to re-implement the prokes. Especially when conditions are not healthy, so as not to infect other people. "If it is not healthy or in a public area, you should wear a mask," said Ni Made.
However, he assessed that the public is now aware of the importance of prokes. Moreover, it has been in conflict with COVID-19 for two years. "Our people already know what to do if they have symptoms of COVID-19," he said.

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