491 PMIs Departed To South Korea, BPMI: The Most During Flights
Hundreds Of PMIs To Be Sent To South Korea/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) has again released 491 Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to South Korea (South Korea). Those who are dispatched to work in the fishing and manufacturing sectors.

"This is the biggest release in one flight, approximately 491 people. And usually we only release 200 people per week," said Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani in a written statement received, Tuesday, December 19.

Benny explained, by sending hundreds of PMIs to South Korea (South Korea) through the G to G program, it can meet the target of reaching more than 12 thousand. This will also break the record for placing migrant workers in Asian countries.

He said that with this achievement, Indonesia now occupies the second position as the country that sends the most workers after Nepal.

"Hopefully out of 16 workers' placement countries, we can pass Nepal as a G To G country to a Korean country," he said.

He hopes that in the future the number of official workforce placements abroad will continue to increase. Benny also hopes that his placement will only be categorized as manufacturing or fishery, but in other sectors.

"Hopefully, with us visiting Korea, we can increasingly provide an attraction to prioritize Indonesian workers," he concluded.

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