Warga Kota Bambu Panic, Kobaran Api Terbakar Permukiman Padat Penduduk
Residents' house fires in West Jakarta Bambu City/ Photo; IST

JAKARTA - A densely populated settlement located on Jalan Kota Bambu Raya, RT 08/03, Kota Bambu Utara, Palmerah District, West Jakarta, was scorched by fire on Tuesday, December 19 night. The fire continued to flare up causing a commotion and panic among local residents.

Firefighters who received the report immediately deployed 16 fire engines to the fire site.

"The object of the house was burned down. The operation was extinguished since 21.27 WIB," said Head of West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Syafrudin when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, December 19, evening.

As many as 80 personnel were also deployed to extinguish the fire. Officers are still struggling to extinguish the fire by sprinkling water through the fire tanker hose.

"The status of the fire is still reddening. It is still in the process of extinguishing the fire at the location," he said.

The cause of the fire is not yet known. However, it is suspected that the flames were caused by an electrical short circuit from one of the houses that caught fire.

Meanwhile, the number of houses burned is also unknown. The reason is, officers are still focused on the process of extinguishing the fire.

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