JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian explained the reason why the Agglomeration Council was led by the Vice President (Wapres) considering that the task he carried out in managing the area was so complex and involved four coordinating ministers.

"This body is led by the Vice President, why is it led by the Vice President? Because this is a complex matter, it cannot be a minister. This involves four coordinating ministers, there are security issues, maritime and investment problems, HR development problems, and then there are economic problems, and this must be considered," Tito said in the discussion "What is with the Special Region of Jakarta" in Menteng, Central Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 19.

In Article 51 of the DKJ Bill, it is stated that the development of Special Jakarta Regions will be synchronized with agglomeration areas. The areas include Jakarta, Bogor Regency, Tangerang Regency, Bekasi Regency, Cianjur Regency, Bogor City, Depok City, Tangerang City, Kita South Tangerang, and Bekasi City.

In addition, in Article 55 of the DKJ Bill, to coordinate the implementation of spatial planning for national strategic areas in agglomeration areas and development planning documents, an Agglomeration Area Council will be formed.

Later, the Agglomeration Regional Council will be led by the vice president. Tito said that later the Agglomeration Regional Council would be tasked with accelerating the harmonization of development, not as executors.

"Agglomeration needs to be synchronized harmonization. He did not execute, only synchronized the program in economic problems, health, floods, and others, the execution was only by the regional head. Is the vice president an absolute high task? No, because in the end he still reports to the President. Must report, for example issue regulations," explained Tito.

The complete tasks of the Agglomeration Regional Council include coordinating the implementation of spatial planning for national strategic areas in the Agglomeration Area and the Master Plan Document for the Development of Agglomeration Areas.

Then, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of programs and activities in the master plan by ministries or institutions and local governments.

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