BENGKULU - Bengkulu District Court (PN) acquitted the defendant RA, the Head of the Health Center in Bengkulu City from the alleged corruption case of cutting the Health Operational Assistance (BOK) funds for the Puskesmas for the 2022 fiscal year. "The defendant RA was proven to have committed the act he was charged with but was not a criminal act and released the defendant RA from the lawsuit," said Bengkulu District Court Chief Justice Dwi Purwanti when reading the defendant's verdict in Bengkulu, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 18. Therefore, the defendant RA was released from city detention as soon as the demands were read out and restored the rights of the defendant in his dignity and dignity. "The defendant has no evil intentions, and what the defendant did was not a criminal act of corruption, so the defendant was acquitted of a criminal act of law," he said. The attorney for the defendant RA, Made Sukiade, thanked the Panel of Judges for actually examining and careful legal considerations in the case that was tried where the process from the start the defendant did not commit a criminal act of corruption. "Today's decision we are grateful to Allah and grateful to the Panel of Judges who have been very careful in examining and considering the law in this case," he explained. Previously, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) demanded the former Head of the Health Center in Bengkulu City, namely RA, for four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million related to corruption cases. The defendant RA was charged with involvement in the alleged corruption of cutting Health Operational Assistance (BOK) in 2022.
"Declaring that the defendant is proven to be legally benefiting himself or others, forcing other people to accept payments," said Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office, Dewi Kelalasari. The claim was given because the defendant was found guilty of violating Article 12 junto Article 18 paragraph 1 letter B paragraph 2 paragraph 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

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