Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron said a hand arrest operation (OTT) in the North Maluku region was related to the alleged auction of positions and procurement of goods. An official was arrested.

"It is suspected that in the criminal act of corruption, the auction of positions and projects for the procurement of goods and services," said Ghufron in a written message, Monday, December 18.

Ghufron has not detailed the parties involved in the silent operation. He only explained that the anti-corruption commission team was still conducting investigations.

"Meanwhile, we are still investigating the parties we have secured and the evidence," he said.

The KPK still has 1x24 time to determine the status of the parties caught in the arrests. Later the announcement will be made at a press conference.

"Later we will update the progress," concluded Ghufron.

As previously reported, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) team conducted a search at the residence of the Governor of North Maluku Province (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba.

One of the guards at the residence of the Governor of North Maluku who refused to reveal his identity, said the KPK team sealed the governor's room on the second floor, precisely on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Takama Village, Central Ternate District, Ternate City.

The search was carried out since this afternoon related to a hand arrest operation (OTT) carried out on the number one person in the North Maluku Provincial Government along with several other echelon two officials.

The KPK is also reported to have sealed several regional work unit (SKPD) offices in the North Maluku Provincial Government.

In addition, the Office of Education and Culture (Dikbud), the Office of the Housing and Settlement Areas (Disperkim), the Office of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR), the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), including the office of Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba in Sofifi, the capital of North Maluku Province.

In fact, the office door of the Head of the North Maluku Provincial Government Dikbud has been fitted with a KPK bar line and is written under the supervision of the KPK.

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