JAKARTA - Towards the year-end holidays at the 2024 Christmas and New Year celebrations, the Kampung Rambutan bus terminal in East Jakarta began to be visited by prospective travelers, Monday, December 18. Since Monday morning, there has been a surge in AKAP bus passengers.

Officers controlling the Kampung Rambutan Inter-City Bus Terminal, Jumali said, an increase in passengers had occurred since last Saturday and Sunday, December 17. There is already 30 percent increase in passengers.

"Yesterday and Sunday, there was an increase of around 30 percent. For today, there has been no increase," said Jumali, Monday, December 18.

Jumali said the number of passengers on Saturday was around 731 passengers. Meanwhile, on Sunday, around 682 passengers departed from the Kampung Rambutan terminal, East Jakarta.

The average departure of passengers from the Kampung Rambutan Terminal is mostly to Central Java, West Java, and Sumatra.

Jumali detailed for Central Java with the aim of Wonosobo, Tegal and Pekalongan. Meanwhile, West Java departed for Tasik, Bandung, Banjar, Garut and Sumedang.

"For Sumatra there is also an increase. It is predicted that there will be an increase in D-3 or D-4," he said.

Jumali also added that since tomorrow his party has prepared a roadworthy post from Motor Vehicle Testing (PKB), where his party will conduct inspections of vehicles that want to leave

In addition, he continued, his party will also prepare a Health Command Post for passengers and drivers who want to go home.

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