Motorcyclist Dies Dragged By Truck After Being Hit By Kijang Innova In Roxy
Motorcyclist Dies Dragged By Mineral Water Galon Truck After Being Hit By Kijang Innova In Roxy/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A motorcyclist with license plate number B 7519 KC fell and was dragged into a truck loaded with mineral water with police number B 9451 SYO passing on Jalan KH Hasyim Azhari, Roxy, Gambir, Central Jakarta. As a result, the motorcyclist died instantly with serious head injuries.

The incident occurred when the motorcyclist was crossing the right lane. Suddenly a minibus parked on the side of the road suddenly withdrew and hit the motorcyclist.

According to information from the truck's kernet, Abay said, the incident began when the position of the truck loaded with mineral water was in the right position of the lane. Then the motorbike the victim was driving drove right behind the truck on the same track.

"The Innova car wants to get out, back, the motorbike was hit (hit) behind the right light of the Innova car. Automatically the motorbike is mentally to the right. We are in the right position. The motorbike is automatically dragged," Abay told reporters, Monday, December 18, afternoon.

Abay explained that the position of the motorbike first entered the right lane. But the Innova car pulled back to get out of the parking lot.

"The motorbike is quite fast from the back of Innova's right head. When we hit the right mentally, we automatically dragged the right side. The victim was wearing a helmet," he said.

Abay said his colleague as the driver could not brake and swerve because the truck was carrying cargo. The truck will deliver mineral water to the Kapuk area, West Jakarta.

"Take a full load, you want a heavy brake, suddenly it's difficult. If the load is empty (surprisday brake), you can get it," he said.

Due to the accident, the victim died instantly at the scene. His body was dragged under the truck. The identity of the victim is not yet known. Furthermore, the victim's body was taken to the RSCM for further examination.

Meanwhile, the truck and minibus Innova involved in the accident were taken to the Central Jakarta Satwil Laka Unit. Truck drivers and assistants were also questioned.

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