Monday Morning, Population-Intensive Settlement In Kwitang Senen Caught Fire
Fires in residential areas of the Kwitang area, Senen, Central Jakarta/ Photo: ISt

JAKARTA - The densely populated settlement on Jalan Kramat Kwitang, Kwitang Village, Senen District, Central Jakarta, was scorched by a fire, Monday, December 18, morning. Luckily, there were no casualties as a result of this fire incident.

"The object caught fire to a residence. No one died," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal when confirmed by VOI.

A total of 14 fire engines were deployed to the fire site. 70 firefighters also continued to fight with fire.

"Alhamdulillah, the fire has been controlled. Currently, it is still in the cooling process," he said.

Meanwhile, Asril has not been able to confirm the cause of the fire in the area. His party is still collecting data and focusing on cooling the location of the fire so that the fire does not appear again.

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