JAKARTA - West Bangka Resort Police, Bangka Belitung Islands Province are intensifying dialogueist patrols to support joint efforts to realize a safe, orderly and peaceful 2024 election.

"We continue to intensify patrol activities, one of which is by visiting residents with good communication to make it easier for us to anticipate various possible disturbances in security and order in the community," said Head of the Public Relations Section of the West Bangka Police Ipda Ardianis in Mentok, Saturday, quoted by Antara.

According to him, this dialogist patrol activity is one of the patterns carried out by the West Bangka Police Task Force during the implementation of the 2023-2024 Brata Steam Operation (OMB).

So far, we have communicated with residents in the Mentok sub-district, by visiting residents who are in locations that are considered vulnerable, such as port areas, coasts, fishing villages and others.

In the ongoing dialogue, OMB Task Force personnel gave an appeal to the public to play an active role in maintaining the security situation.

They also reminded the importance of cooperation between police officers and residents in creating a safe and controlled environment.

In addition to meeting directly with residents, the West Bangka Police OMB Task Force personnel also carried out patrols in logistics warehouses, local KPU and Bawaslu offices to check security at night so that security disturbances would not occur.

"With a safe and controlled situation, we can carry out elections peacefully and democratically," he said.

This dialogic patrol is also part of the police's proactive steps in preventing potential security disturbances during the election stages.

The presence of OMB Task Force personnel is expected to create a sense of security and comfort for the community.

The Gencar patrol and the Bambang residents who were carried out were concrete evidence and commitment from the West Bangka Police in maintaining security during the general election series.

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