SIDOARJO - The case of the death of a middle-aged woman in Perati Village, Sedati District, Sidoarjo, East Java at the beginning of last week was finally revealed. From the results of the police investigation, the victim was killed by her own husband.

The perpetrator had said that the victim died because he was killed by robbers who robbed his house.

From the results of the investigation and examination of a number of witnesses, the police finally arrested R, who is the victim's husband. The man who works as a factory worker is desperate to kill his wife because he is upset, the victim often complains and gets angry with the perpetrator.

Sidoarjo Police Chief, Kombes Pol Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro said that after carrying out the action, the perpetrator had left for fear of being arrested by the police. The perpetrator finally spread information, if the victim died as a result of being killed by the robber who robbed his house.

"This perpetrator engineered the story to the victim's parents, as if his wife was killed by robbers," said Kusumo, Friday, December 15.

The murder by the perpetrator is classified as sadistic. He killed the victim using an LPG gas cylinder which was hit in the victim's head and died at the scene.

"He was hit with a 3 kilogram LPG gas cylinder which still contained it," explained Kusumo.

From the results of the police investigation, it was found that the perpetrator was suspected of having a special relationship with another woman who was still a friend of the victim.

For the purposes of further investigation, the perpetrator is currently being held in the Sidoarjo Police detention cell.

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