JAKARTA – 2024 presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo is committed to making Indonesia a superior country by 2045. Ganjar targets that Indonesia's economic growth will increase by 7 percent in that year.

"Many say that Ganjar is ambitious. In fact, this is very possible and I am sure he can do it. The roadmap already exists," said Ganjar at the National Coordination Meeting of the National Association of Indonesian Consultants (Inkindo) at the Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday 14 December.

If Indonesia's economic growth does not reach 7 percent in 2045, then this country will fall into the middle income trap. Apart from that, the demographic bonus that we have will be a demographic catastrophe.

"So we have to fight to make that happen. Efforts cannot be mediocre," he stressed.

Ganjar is optimistic that Indonesia's economic growth of 7 percent is not a dream. There is a lot of potential that can be developed to make this happen.

First, related to legal certainty and enforcement. If the state guarantees certainty and law enforcement, investors will flock to invest. Job opportunities will appear, society will be more prosperous.

"If KKN is eliminated, our taxes can be optimized. State income can be high because there is no corruption," he stressed.

The downstreamization that is already underway continues into the industrialization process. Apart from that, also by optimizing new economies such as the green economy, blue economy and digital and creative economy.

"If this can be done, the 7 percent economic growth rate is very easy to realize. That's why I'm happy to be able to meet Inkindo friends today, please give me input on the best planning," he concluded.

Ganjar's statement was greeted enthusiastically by hundreds of consultants who attended the event. They are optimistic that Ganjar will be able to realize Indonesia's dream of becoming a superior country and they are ready to provide support.

"We are in the same line, Mr Ganjar," said Inkindo General Chair, Erie Heryadi.

Erie emphasized that his party deliberately invited the 2024 presidential candidates to hear the vision and mission of advancing Indonesia. They also want to be involved in planning Indonesia's future development

"We want to discuss, dialogue and contribute what we can. And we are happy, in the midst of Mr. Ganjar's busy schedule, he can be present directly among us," he concluded.

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