JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo said that if President Joko Widodo supported presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto, then Prabowo's survey should have obtained one hundred percent. Of course with simple logic, if in the past Mr. Jokowi against Pak Prabowo, and now say he joined, then his survey (Prabowo) should have been 100 percent,'' said Ganjar in a special interview at his residence, Jalan Taman Patra Raya, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 13. Even so, he admitted that the difference in choice of a number of Jokowi voter bases in the 2019 Election also affected his electability. Yes, there is (influential), but his voice is not 100 percent moving,'' said the vice presidential pair Mahfud Md said. Therefore, he said that the debate became a moment that was awaited by the public as well as could affect the electability of each pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates, including Ganjar-Mahfud. For example, the first debate between the inter-candidates and organized by the General Election Commission (KPU) RI on Tuesday night. So if later there is a survey, then there are events, and it can be increased and lowered, then the moment that the public awaited is debate is a debate. And the debate that night will open and change the way everyone think because he is watching; oh my candidate is like this,'' he said.' In addition, he considered that the second debate that brought together inter-candidates and held by the Indonesian Election Commission on December 22, 2023 could also be one of the moments that could affect Ganjar-Mahfud electability.'s (HAM), eradication of corruption, strengthening democracy, increasing public services, and the harmony of citizens.

The debate was followed by three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates, namely number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, serial number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and serial number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md. The series of debates will continue on 22 December 2023, 7 and 21 January 2024, and 4 February 2024.

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