MEDAN - Hundreds of students from various elements held a popular pulpit at the Heroes Cemetery, Jl SM Raja Medan, on Tuesday 12 December afternoon.

In this peaceful action, they highlighted and rejected the dynastic politics run by President Jokowi, while demanding accountability for his performance. The people's pulpit was attended by a number of student figures, including the Chairman of the North Sumatra Muslim Student Action Association (KAMMI), Wira Putra; Chairman of Badko HMI North Sumatra, Abdul Rahman; Chairman of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) North Sumatra Province, Tarmizi; Regional Leader of the Al Washliyah Student Association (HIMMAH) North Sumatra, Kamaluddin; and Ceperianus Gea from the Komda of the Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia PMKRI North Sumatra Nad. In his oration, the Chairman of the North Sumatra KAMMI, Wira Putra, highlighted the performance of President Jokowi during his 10 years leading Indonesia. The main focus is related to the omnibus law law law which is considered detrimental to millions of workers and laborers.

Wira Putra also observed the appointment of the president's biological son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as a candidate for vice president in the 2024 election. He called this the first phenomenon in the world where a president who is still in power appointed his son as vice president. Student groups known as the Cipayung Plus Group in North Sumatra declared Jokowi a common enemy in this demonstration. Student leaders, such as the General Chairperson of the North Sumatra HMI HMI Abdul Rahman, Chairman of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) of North Sumatra Province Tarmizi, Regional Leader of the Al Washliyah Student Association (HIMAH) North Sumatra Kamaluddin, and Komda of the Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia PMKRI North Sumatra Nad, also voiced their rejection of dynastal politics. They considered that dynastic politics violated the constitution, damaging the democratic order, even considered worse than Suharto's regime. In their statement of attitude, students urged President Jokowi to uphold human rights (HAM) in Indonesia.

Student leaders also criticized Jokowi's failure to eradicate corruption and nepotism in Indonesia, with many cabinet ministers Joko Widodo involved in corruption cases. They demanded an explanation and accountability for political projects deemed unsuccessful throughout Indonesia. This action also made a request for the TNI and Polri to remain neutral in the flow of dynastic political situations. After the oration was completed, the participants left the Heroes Cemetery in an orderly manner.

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