Jakarta Weather Wednesday, December 13, Sunny And Cloudy Throughout The Day
Sunny weather illustration (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Weather in five city areas and one district in DKI Jakarta Province has the potential to be cloudy from Wednesday, December 13 morning until evening, according to data released by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). There is no early warning regarding the weather in Jakarta that was delivered on the official website of the BMKG, Wednesday. Central Jakarta and North Jakarta weather have the potential to be cloudy with air temperatures between 26 and 30 degrees Celsius, humidity 75 to 90 percent, and wind speeds generally blow 0-10 kilometers per hour to the northwest. The weather and temperature in West Jakarta are also less the same, but the humidity level is different, namely 65-70 percent in the morning and afternoon as well as 70-80 percent at night. Then wind speeds are the same but gusts to the northwest at noon, while at night they are in South Jakarta and East Jakarta with the highest temperatures reaching 31 degrees Celsius and the lowest 30 degrees Celsius during the day. Meanwhile, the humidity ranges from 65-70 percent. The temperature in the Thousand Islands Regency during the day is relatively cooler, ranging from 27-29 degrees Celsius during the day.

According to the BMKG, the air temperature has the potential to increase at night to 30 degrees Celsius at around 22.00 WIB. The daily humidity ranges from 75-90 percent. The wind direction in the Thousand Islands also has the potential to change. At 04.00 the wind blows to the southeast. At 07.00 it changed to the south, while at 10.00 to the west, 13.00 to the northwest, and at 22.00 WIB it returned to the west. The wind gust speed is between 10-20 kilometers per hour.

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