JAKARTA - Litbang Kompas released the results of its latest survey, Monday, December 11. From the survey, it was revealed that there was a shift in the votes of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). PDIP voters began to switch from Ganjar Pranowo to supporters of presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto.
"While Ganjar, who previously had a narrow lead over Prabowo with a difference of 2.8 percent, now his position is reversed, Prabowo is superior with an electability distance of 21.7 percent," the survey statement read.
The widening of the electability distance between Prabowo and Ganjar cannot be separated from the split in support that occurs in PDIP voters and Jokowi voters. PDIP loyalist votes in 2019 supported Ganjar fell by 20 percent.
"The solidarity of support from people who in the 2019 Election voted PDIP to Ganjar, which in August 2023 reached 60.6 percent, now only 40.7 percent."
On the other hand, the Kompas R&DI-P survey saw that the PDI-P voters who voted for Prabowo tended to increase. Initially, only 22.1 percent, now it is 35.1 percent. They also assessed that the party supporting the Advanced Indonesia Coalition that carried Prabowo-Gibran was getting more solid.
"Support for coalition parties supporting Prabowo is also getting more solid, the average increase is significant compared to last August," said the survey.
Litbang Kompas conducted a survey during the period November 29 to December 4, 2023. A total of 1,364 respondents from 38 provinces in Indonesia.
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