Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, revealed the reason why he only wanted to attend the official presidential and vice presidential debate forum held by the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU).

Gibran reasoned that many campaign activities had been scheduled. Especially the agenda of meeting the kiai.

"Yes, because we are scheduled every day with schedules that cannot be changed," said Gibran in the Blok M area, South Jakarta, Sunday, December 10, evening.

"Especially if we meet a large kiai, it is impossible to change the schedule, not polite about it," continued the Mayor of Solo.

Gibran also reasoned that he was the last vice presidential candidate to be announced to the public than the other two candidates. Therefore, he felt the need for more campaigns.

"I'm the last person to come in, he's the other two months, three months earlier I've been playing around. I'm the last person, at least the campaign should be more scheduled," said Gibran.

Nevertheless, Gibran ensured that this would not reduce its value in conveying the vision and mission and ideas as candidates for vice president in the 2024 presidential election.

"That's why I came when it was official. It didn't reduce the value, did it," said Gibran.

Previously, Gibran emphasized that he only wanted to attend the official presidential and vice presidential debate forum organized by the KPU. He said this when responding to questions that were not present at the television station debate event.

"I came to an official debate," said Gibran at Grand Sahid, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6.

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