TANJUNG SELOR Deputy Regent (Wabup) Bulungan, Ingkong Ala admitted that the progress of the construction of the Kayan River Hydroelectric Power Plant I (PLTA) in Peso District is considered quite significant.

He revealed this to the media crew after reviewing the construction site of the Kayan River hydropower plant with the Owner of PT Kayan Hidro Energy (KHE), Tjandra Limanjaya and the President of the National Dayak Customary Council (MADN), Marthin Billa on Sunday 10 December.

"We have seen the construction of road access, especially towards the point where dam I is estimated to have reached more than 3 kilometers. When we arrived in May, we only checked the handak warehouse (explosives), because it only started here. We have seen the road that has been evicted, the infrastructure is prepared, at once we can see the explosion earlier," said Deputy Regent Ingkong Ala.

Not only physically, continued the Deputy Regent, the fast movement of PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) in managing expired permits has also been carried out. This is considered to be part of the progress of the development progress of this national strategic project.

Untuk Perizinan di kabupaten dan provinsi hanya terkait lokasi dan Amdalnya. YANG lain-lain seperti perizinan yang sangat teknis dan prinsip itu di kementerian, mereka sudah mengurus semua," ujar Wabup.

He said, the community also really hopes that the progress of the development of the Kayan River hydropower plant will continue to progress.

"Initially the construction of this hydropower plant was rejected by residents, especially since there were villages that were drowned. However, at this time they can understand after being given an understanding. The benefits will be felt by their future generations," explained Inkong Ala.

Meanwhile, the President of the National Dayak Customary Council (MADN), Marthin Billa, emphasized that the Kayan River hydropower plant will have a positive impact or boost economic growth in the Kaltara region.

In addition, the electricity production of the Kayan hydropower plant will be utilized in the Tanah Kuning-Mangkupadi Green Industry (KIHI) in Tanjung Palas Timur District, managed by PT Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia (KIPI) and PT Indonesia Strategic Industry (ISI).

"The Kayan hydropower plant will support industrial growth in Kaltara, including IKN (State Capital)," he said.Marthin assured that the development of the Kayan hydropower plant will not harm the community.

Marthin Billa, who also serves as a member of the DPD RI, emphasized that PT KHE has involved the community or worked on the national strategic project development process.

"They (KHE) are serious about building for the benefit of the community, right. Second, Peso District is my village, I really care about people who are serious about acting, we support this hydropower," he concluded.

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