JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka promised to pay attention to the problem of stunting children in Cilincing Flats. Gibran will also renovate the flats, especially access to cleanliness which he considers to be less and even urgent.

"Yes, the cleanliness is, then we fix all access, especially there are many children, we see that the cleanliness is lacking," said Gibran after blusukan at the Cilincing Flats, North Jakarta, Saturday, December 9.

Gibran asked residents not to worry about the problems and conditions in the Cilincing Flats. He ensured that his party would handle the complaints of the residents there.

"Yes, in the Cilincing flat, we focus on residents' complaints, it's a matter of professional certification. If the condition of the flat is itself, we will handle it later, it's okay," said Gibran.

However, the Mayor of Solo did not specify how to handle these complaints. He only said that the handling was carried out in mutual cooperation.

"We will handle it later. Gotong royong with residents, volunteers, don't worry, we'll handle it later," said Gibran.

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