Vice Presidential Candidate Number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka will campaign in Karawang and Jakarta tomorrow, Saturday, December 8.

Gibran is scheduled to absorb the aspirations of Cilincing and Cempaka Putih Jakarta residents to continue attending youth music concerts in Karawang. Before visiting the Islamic Boarding School to ask for prayers for the smooth running of the 2024 General Election.

The commander of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team Communication Team, Budi Satrio Djiwandono, said Gibran would discuss and absorb the aspirations of port workers in the morning tomorrow.

"Mas Gibran is scheduled to greet port workers in Cilincing Flats, North Jakarta. The agenda is that the declaration of support also discusses and absorbs aspirations," Budisatrio told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, December 8.

After that, Gibran scheduled blusukan to the Cempaka Putih Barat area, Central Jakarta to greet the community.

"Blusukan di wilayah Cempaka Putih Barat. Menapa masyarakat sekaligus menyerap aspirasi serta sosialisasi sana," jelas Budisatrio.

In the evening, the Mayor of Solo will continue his campaign to Karawang, West Java to attend the Satnite with Pandugi (Pantura Dukung Gibran)-themed music event.

"Mas Gibran will go to Karawang, there will be a music concert for Pantura young people at GOR Pamatayudha, Pantura," said Budisatrio.

In addition to attending music concerts, Gibran also plans to visit the leaders of the Albaghdadi Islamic Boarding School, Kyai Junaidi Al Baghdadi, and the leadership of the Manaqiban assembly, Sheikh Abdul Qodir Jaelani.

"God willing, tomorrow it will be closed by visiting Abah Junaidi, asking for prayers for the smooth running of the election," concluded Budisatrio.

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