Observer Suspects That Prisoners Who Escape In Tangerang Have Elements Of Cooperation With 'Insiders'
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TANGERANG - Trisakti University public policy observer Trubus Rahardiansyah spoke about the escape of prisoners at the Class IIA prison in Tangerang, Wednesday, December 6.

According to him, the incident is suspected to have indications of insider involvement. Because, it is quite unlikely that prisoners could escape from this super tight prison.

"The incident of the escape of prisoners also repeatedly occurred in prisons in Tangerang," Trubus said when confirmed, Friday, December 8.

"So, that's what caused a lot to escape because they were working with the guards," he continued.

Trubus believes that insiders are involved or guards at the prison. Because, if it was an ordinary prisoner, it was impossible for the prisoner to escape whose entire side had been guarded.

"This is not a factor of negligence, it's an intentional factor for the insiders themselves because of the corrupt behavior factor anyway. This is a class II prison, yes, the security is super tight. I was negligent until someone escaped his detainees. This is more than an element of intent," he said.

According to Trubus, if prison parties reflect on previous cases, they should have improved the system more. Moreover, he continued, in the current digital era, equipment can be purchased for procurement.

"So actually it can be bought and procured so that it doesn't happen like we didn't expect it to," he concluded.

A female inmate N (40) escaped at the Class IIA Tangerang Prison, Wednesday, December 6. Tangerang Class II A Head of Headquarters, Yekti confirmed the information. According to Yekti, currently his party is still searching for N.

"Untuk kondisi terkini kami masih dalam proses pencarian lebih lanjut," kata Yekti saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis, 7 Desember.

Yekti also said that her party had collaborated with other law enforcement officers (APH) in the search.

"We have also synergized with APH," saidny

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