GORONTALO - Head of the Traffic Unit (Kasat Lalu) of the North Gorontalo Police, Iptu Nurmaya Kasim, confirmed the truth of the information on the temporary closure of the Sulawesi route in the area.

"We received a notification from the person in charge of the activity in the context of requesting information dissemination regarding the plan to close the Sulawesi route in the North Gorontalo Regency and Gorontalo Regency for nine hours is information that must be submitted to the public and not hoaxes," said Iptu Nurmaya in Gorontalo as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 8.

This information has been disseminated since Thursday (7/12) so that all road users who will cross the Sulawesi route in Kwandanggi District can find out considering that at night, the Sulawesi route is also traversed by large vehicles containing various trade commodities, agriculture and others.

"We hope that during the road closure, no one will experience disturbances or obstacles in traveling. We will also alert personnel to carry out security," he said.

Nurmaya said the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) of the Directorate General of Highways, Gorontalo National Road Works Center, in the work unit for the implementation of the Gorontalo Province national road from the Gorontalo Province commitment maker official, conveyed information regarding the closure of the Sulawesi route.

The contents of the letter are related to changing the culvert (Box Culvert) at STA 17 + 650 to Molingkapoto Pontolo and during the replacement process it cannot be passed and the total section will be closed for nine hours.

The closure will take place on Friday (8/12) from 22.00 WITA to Saturday (9/12) at 07.00 WITA.

"We make sure this information is not a hoax so that the public, especially road users who will pass through Sulawesi, is to anticipate road closure activities to avoid inconvenience. As well as avoid long queues considering the temporary total closure, not an open road closure system," he said.

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