Amnesty International Indonesia said there is still a lot of homework (PR) for the three pairs of candidates (paslon) for the presidential and vice presidential elections in 2024 to solve human rights problems. Deputy Director of Amnesty Internasional Indonesia Wirya Adiwena said efforts to resolve the problem needed to be underlined before seeing the vision and mission, debate activities, and the promises of the candidate pairs. "This is still a lot of homework that we need to complete, which the state needs to complete as the main responsibility holder," Wirya said in an online press conference in Jakarta, Friday, December 8, which was confiscated by Antara. He explained that the homework regarding human rights included the case in the Rempang area, Batam Island. In the area, Wirya assessed that security personnel used disproportionate forces during clashes with residents. In addition, he said, the Kanjuruhan Tragedy that killed 135 people was also a human rights problem that needed to be resolved because there was violence perpetrated by security personnel in addition to the use of tear gas. "Many are victims, but there are not many accountabilitys," he said. He said people who defend human rights are also still experiencing threats. Based on his records, there were as many as 166 human rights defenders who were victims, either physically or digitally in 2023. For this reason, Wirya hopes that the next government can ensure that criticism, dissatisfaction, and unrest of residents can be responded to and communicated properly. Do not let, he continued, residents directly experience the impact without any communication from the government. "Whoever will become president later, the state must fulfill its obligations. Whoever becomes president, we as citizens have the right to demand that the state fulfill its obligations to protect human rights," he stressed.
The KPU has determined three participants in the 2024 presidential election, namely the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar pair number 1, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka number 2, and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD number 3. The three will face a debate that will take place five times during the campaign period until February 10, 2024. The first debate took place on December 12, 2023, with topics related to law, human rights, government, eradication of corruption, and strengthening democracy.

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