SINJAI - A young woman in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi became a victim of rape after being force-fed with alcohol until she was unconscious. There are 5 people who raped women during drinking parties.

Head of Sinjai Satpol PP, Agung Prayoga said that his members received reports of young people partying alcohol in the Sinjai field united. Upon arriving at the location, there were a number of people running away

"The members who raided the location secured a woman. The woman was secured to a post for questioning," said Agung, Wednesday, February 17.

From the victim's statement, the young woman was invited by the perpetrator with the initials R and promised money. At the location, the victim was force-fed with alcohol until he was unconscious.

Some time after the raid on the site, R came to the post to surrender.

“The victim admitted that 5 friends from R took turns with their colleagues. We submitted the case to the police this afternoon, "said Agung.

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