JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appointed Brigadier General Sentot Prasetyo to serve as Head of Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police replacing Inspector General Martinus Hukom.

The mutation was stated in the telegram Number ST/2750/XII/KEP./2023 signed by As HR Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo on behalf of the National Police Chief, dated December 7.

The position of Kadensus 88 was vacant after Inspector General Martinus Hukom was approved by President Joko Widodo to serve as Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) replacing Komjen Petrus. R. Golose who is entering retirement or retirement.

Brigadier General Sentot Prasetyo was originally the Deputy Head of Special Committee. With this appointment, the position he left will be filled by Brigadier General I Made Astawa.

Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo confirmed the mutation and rotation. It is said, it was done to refresh the organization.

In addition, providing promotions and adding experience to the ranks of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Mutations are natural in the National Police organization. Substitutions are made to personnel entering their retirement period. Then there are promotions, adding to the experience of tour of duty and tour of the area," said Dedi in his statement, Thursday, December 7.

Then, the rotation and mutation are also so that the National Police personnel will focus faster in preparing for Christmas and New Year's security and the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"As well as focusing on preparing for the election and Candle Operations, securing Nataru and maintaining harkamtibmas," said Dedi.

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