BADUNG - Polsek Kuta, Bali, arrested Hermanus Mone (40) from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), for stealing a pig and also slaughtering seven dogs.

"This suspect stole one pig animal and carried out the action alone," said Kuta Police Chief Kompol Yogie Pramagita, Thursday, December 7.

Initially the police received reports of residents who had lost pigs, including reports of dog slaughters.

"The suspect's motive (stealing pigs) is to be consumed with his family," he added.

In addition to stealing pigs, the perpetrators also slaughtered 7 dogs in several locations, one of which was on Kelan Beach.

"The suspect stole the dog by hitting his head with an iron bat, so the dog was dead," he said.

The perpetrator admitted that he slaughtered the dog because he was upset, he was often chased. But from the results of police searches, the dog that was killed was brought home by the perpetrator and allegedly for consumption

The perpetrator was charged with Article 363 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a maximum imprisonment of 7 years and was also charged with Article 302 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code causing the animal to become sick, missing one of its limbs, or receiving serious injuries in other ways, or causing his death, with a maximum imprisonment of 9 months.

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