The Humbang Hasundutan Police (Humbahas) has examined a number of people as witnesses related to illegal forest logging activities that are suspected to be the cause of flash floods and landslides in Simangulempe Village, Bakti Raja District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), last Friday.
The illegal forest logging was reported to have occurred in Sitolu Balal Village, Lintong Ni Huta District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra.
Amateur video from the Kominfo Office of Humbang Hasundutan Regency shows the condition of the hills that have been stripped away due to illegal logging by irresponsible parties.
Traces of heavy equipment activity that carry out logging or forest additions are still visible, along with pieces of wood from illegal logging.
In following up on this problem, the Humbang Hasundutan Police Criminal Investigation Unit together with related agencies immediately went down to the hills to conduct an investigation.
The results of the temporary investigation confirmed that there was land on the hills of Sitolu Balal Village which had been barren, allegedly due to forest additions.
Police Chief Humbang Hasundutan, Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Hary Ardianto, said that his party had conducted an investigation and examined a number of witnesses, including residents around the local location and village head.
"So, we get information from social media, and we will follow up on this information. We have sent a team of Criminal Investigation personnel to the location to conduct an in-depth investigation, and we will convey the results. We have asked several people for information, including the village head and local residents, and we will investigate everything," said Hary Thursday, December 7.
Regarding the causes of flash floods and landslides in Simangulempe Village, Bakti Raja District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, the police will cooperate with related agencies and experts to carry out further investigations.
"If there is such a suspicion, we will carry out the criminal process, but to determine the cause, not our authority. I expect the regional head as the emergency response chairman to summon an expert who can convey the cause of this disaster," he said.
Until now, the Humbahas Police continue to carry out an in-depth investigation regarding the addition of forests, with the alleged involvement of an individual member of the National Police in the activity of adding illegal forests in the hills of Sitolu Batal Village, Lintong Ni Huta District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra.
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