Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said pair number three, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, used to participate in debate ahead of the election. Both are believed to be ready to face this process because they already have experience.

"Debat sudah disiapkan apalagi kita lihat Pak Ganjar selama ini dalam debat-debat di dalam gubernatorial (pemilihan gubernatorial) pertama, pilgub kedua, dan pengalaman sebagai anggota legislatif," kata Hasto kepada wartawan di gedung High End, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu, 6 Desember.

As for Mahfud, continued Hasto, he has experience in three state institutions. "It shows that these two leaders are very ready," said the Secretary of the TPN Ganjar-Mahfud.

This condition made Hasto remind the General Election Commission (KPU) that it should hold a maximum debate. There should be no change in the rules that make the opinion that the election organizers are not independent.

"We hope that the debate will continue according to what is written in the PKPU. Don't change the rules related to the debate when the process is in progress," he said.

Hasto assessed that the debate that should be held five times should still be held like an old format. Two presidential candidates, two vice presidential candidates, and then one partner," he said.

Moreover, the public is considered to be waiting for all the ideas brought by the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Everyone wants to hear the narrative about solving people's problems and the vision and mission ahead when leading Indonesia.

"With the enthusiasm of the community to wait for all the ideas that will be conveyed by the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, we should focus on the narrative that we want to convey. Focus on the character of the leader, focus on what the leader does in solving the rakayt problems, and bring this nation forward with leaders who have people, leaders who dare to eradicate corruption, not collusion, but leaders who go down to do blusukan," concluded Hasto.

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