JAKARTA - The wife of the candidate for president of the Republic of Indonesia number 3 Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atikoh emphasized that if a leader has a strong family, the citizen will also be happy, which she conveyed in her political safari in front of the women of recitation at the Degree Islamic Boarding School, Peuteuycondong, Cibeber District, Cianjur Regency, West Java.

Atikoh said in a written statement Monday, December 4, that in the holy book Al-Qran it is explained that women are not seconded in Islam, but are protected until all their needs are met.

"In fact, we are protected. If a family has two leaderships or twin suns, one definitely wants to go to the right or wants to go left. But if there are discussions, there are agreements, that this is the direction of our family's life, it must be in accordance with the track," he said.

Alam Ganjar's biological mother then said that if the family is a small entity from a society. For that he said, if there are leaders who are already strong from their families, then the state can be happy too.

"Strong families, happy families, go up to the state level, so if the leader is strong, the citizen will also be happy. So are you happy? Yes, isn't it, ma'am? So it takes a lot of strong leadership and a task force to move quickly. That's right, then there are some simple magic words, but they are very useful in everyday life," he said.

Atikoh also mentioned the role of his wife to create heaven in the household. This is done if you can accept each other's differences with your partner. Love must also be shown, even through small efforts.

Atikoh assessed that it is natural that in domestic relations, there are ups and downs. According to him, maintaining household harmony is by respecting the couple.

It can be done in a simple way, for example by conveying the phrase 'i love you'.

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