205 Children In Sleman Not And Drop Out Of School Throughout 2023, Disdik Reveals 3 Main Obstacles
Illustration of classrooms in schools where teaching and learning are studied. (Unsplash-Ivan ALEXic)

DIY - Head of the Sleman Regency Education Office (Kadisdik), Ery Widaryana, assessed that children who drop out of school and are reluctant to go to school are caused by three factors related to access to education constraints.

"Factors such as distance, facilities or education costs can be the main obstacle and education as human rights," said Ery at the workshop for Handling Deliberate Children and Schoolless Children, in Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Monday 4 December, confiscated by Antara.

Ery said that the activity to look closely at the future of children in Sleman targets 205 children dropping out of school and children not going to school in Sleman Regency in 2023.

"The purpose of this activity is to ensure that the program owned by the Sleman Regency Government regarding this can run well, and provide benefits to these children," he said.

He said, through the workshop for handling children dropping out of school and children not going to school, it is hoped that it can provide concrete solutions and strategies to overcome educational problems faced by children dropping out of school and children not going to school.

Sleman Regent Kustini Sri Purnomo who was present at this event said that the problem of children dropping out of school and children not attending school must be handled properly by various related parties. Especially in the globalization era like today, which demands that the workforce have increasing skills.

"Even the Sleman Regency Government program is a college student, to a bachelor's degree. We have MoU with Amikom and Unisa Yogyakarta and this will also cooperate with Yogyakarta State University (UNY). This year there are almost 600 children being educated, we have budgeted Rp. 15 billion," he said.

According to him, collaboration and active roles from various parties are needed, including parents, the environment, the government and others so that this program can run well.

"That way, it is hoped that school-age children in Sleman Regency can become a superior generation who is ready to support and contribute to development in Sleman Regency later," he said.

This activity was attended by 80 people consisting of the task force for handling children dropping out of school and children not going to school, the Sleman Education Office, the Sleman Social Service, the Sleman Health Service, the Manpower and Social Service, the Job Training Center (BLK), the Sleman Ministry of Religion Regional Office, the Sleman Bappeda and others.

This activity also presented speakers from the Head of the Sleman Regency Social Service, the Sleman Regency DPRD, the Head of the School and Children's Outage Task Force for Schools, the Head of the PAUD Development and Community Education Division of the Sleman Regency Education Office.

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