TANGERANG - The Eternal Islamic Boarding School Fund became Gibran's vice presidential move in responding to the anxiety of students facing the challenges of the 5.0 industrial revolution.

For your information, the 5.0 industrial revolution is a concept in the merger between technology and humans. Technology and digitization are very much used for the industry and production sector.

Gibran Rakabuming discussed the challenges of the 5.0 industrial revolution during a visit to the Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in Batu Ceper, Tangerang City, Monday, December 4.

One of the students considered that the students were underestimated by conventional schools when they graduated.

"What will Mas Gibran's steps be if he is later elected to overcome our condition, which is often underestimated when he wants to enter the university. Because on average those who enter are formal school graduates," said one of the students at the time of question and answer.

Gibran answered by realizing and overseeing the pesantren's endowment fund.

"This question is the most questions asked to me, this is the anxiety of the students and I understand," said Gibran.

"That's why I asked Pak Kiai and the pesantren management to be able to oversee the pesantren's endowment funds," explained Gibran.

Gibran emphasized to the students to keep up with the times, especially the industrial revolution 5.0.

"Now that is the era of the industrial revolution 5.0, the students must also be 5.0, we want the students to be able to answer the challenges of the times," said Gibran in his presentation.

The quality of students who graduated from Santri and technology became Gibran's homework to improve the quality of students graduates in order to face the industrial revolution 5.0 so that they can compete in the world of work.

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