TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto will optimize cyber units and unmanned aircraft units in accordance with developments in the international strategic environment.

"We will make or optimize the existing cyber unit, then we will also optimize the unit drone," Agus said at a press conference at the TNI AD Headquarters (Mabesad), Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 1.

Agus explained that the TNI cooperates with a number of domestic defense industries in optimizing cyber and unit drones.

"We will also cooperate with domestic (defense industry), for example PT Len," he added.

In addition, he continued, the TNI will also conduct training and knowledge transfers for TNI soldiers with other countries to increase troop standards, especially in the field of cyber and drone.

"We will TOT (training of trainer) and TOK (transfer of knowledge) to other countries. Thus, our standardization of troops is the level to have cyber, drone, and defense capabilities, we will level the main weapon system," said Agus.

Previously, Agus Subiyanto stated that the vision of the TNI was Professional, Responsive, Integrative, Modern, and Adaptive (PRIMA), one of which was carried out by using domestically made defense equipment.

"I will continue the previous TNI commander-in-chief programs and according to my vision and mission during my fit and proper test, namely the PRIMA TNI," said Agus Subiyantousai, inaugurated as TNI commander by President Joko Widodo at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/11).

According to Agus, a professional TNI can be realized by ensuring that the soldiers are well-trained and equipped with modern domestically made defense equipment (well-equipped).

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