TANGERANG Based on the results of the ultrasound for FN's pregnancy (17), the high school student who raped her biological father will give birth in mid-December. FN's biological mother, S (39) admitted that she had not had any preparations for the birth of her first child. S admitted that he was confused because there was no cost. Moreover, her husband has been arrested by the police for his actions.

"About December (2023). Yes, how about it, I haven't had any preparations yet." said S in a short message, Thursday, November 30.

S thinks further, after the birth of his child he is also confused about whether his grandson will be entrusted to an orphanage or cared for by his own child.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Alvino revealed that the victim had been pregnant with her child who was 37 weeks or 9 months old.

"(The content) is 37 weeks," he said.

MN, continued Alvino, has raped his son since 2018. This was discovered after the perpetrator was examined by his party.

"From the interim examination, the statements of the perpetrators and witnesses have been around for 5 years. August 2018 to July 2023. That means almost 5 years. (Total) 18 times," he concluded.

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