Geger Warga Cipinang, Wanita Muda Ditemukan Tewas Diri Di Tangga Kos-kosan
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JAKARTA - A 20-year-old girl was found dead by hanging herself around her boarding room on Jalan Nusantara, RT 02/14, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar District, East Jakarta, Thursday, November 30 morning. The incident caused a stir between residents and other boarding houses.

Based on the information from the boarding house owner, Afif confirmed the incident.

"That's right (dependent). The victim is a boarding house resident," he said when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, November 30, morning.

The victim's body was first found hanging from the boarding house steps. It is not yet known the motive for the incident that caused the victim to die.

"The incident was found at half past six in the morning. Just seen by neighbors," he said.

Afif explained that the boarding house resident was a woman who was 20 years old. The victim has not been evacuated, is still waiting for the handling of the authorities.

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