TANGSEL Arrested by MN (53) by the South Tangerang Police (Tangsel), at least makes S (39) relieved. Because according to the story of S, his three underage daughters almost became victims of illegal lust by her husband. FN (17) has been made 8 months pregnant by her father. Now, according to the story of S, FN's younger brother who is still in elementary school also wants to be raped by her.

"(FN) is the first child. There are all 3. The last one is in grade 6 elementary school, he has almost been hit (rococed) twice too," said S when met at his home in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang, Wednesday, November 29.

FN's sister was not successfully raped by her father because the youngest child dared to fight back. So that MN failed to rape her youngest child.

"But he didn't have sex. His son dared to fight back. He's fierce," said S.

Not only that. Apart from his youngest child, the number two child was also almost sexually assaulted by MN. This was discovered when S asked his daughter directly.

"So I suspect my second child. He said yes, but almost," said S.

After the case was reported, the police also secured MN. The Head of PPA of the South Tangerang Police, Ipda Galih, said the perpetrator was arrested on Tuesday night, November 28.

The arrests were made after his party received reports and information from residents.

"We have secured the perpetrator who allegedly impregnated his biological child," said Galih to reporters, Wednesday, November 29.

When asked further, Galih was reluctant to answer. Because the perpetrators are still being investigated further.

"We will continue to bring it to the South Tangerang Police for inspection," he concluded.

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