JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged the public to build a spirit of nationality and brotherhood. Criticism is conveyed without hurting and not making other people angry. "We have to rebuild our national spirit and brotherhood, so that our association in society is how we convey something without hurting people, without having to make people angry; (convey criticism) in a polite way, "said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 16.

The Vice President also encouraged the entire community to maintain the importance of maintaining healthy associations between fellow citizens, so that national harmony can be maintained and become stronger. To maintain this, the Vice President put forward four frames of national harmony to create a harmonious national and state life as a plural country. The four frames of harmony are a political frame, a juridical frame, a theological frame and a sociological frame. "First is a political frame. The political frame is the four pillars, the agreement must be maintained, namely Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI and also Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. only in terms of a political agreement, but also at the level of its implementation, "explained Ma'ruf Amin. Meanwhile, regarding the juridical frame, the Vice President said that there must be a strengthening of regulations regarding the arrangement of life among religious believers in a comprehensive and integrated manner." We must comply with existing rules. ; what kind of prohibited, what kind of allowable. We must obey the rules; this is a juridical frame, "he said.

Regarding the theological frame, the Vice President reminded all religious people, especially religious leaders, to prioritize the narrative of harmony in every delivery of his da'wah, sermons and religious sermons. "Don't be hateful, hostile and conflict narratives. If it is conveyed, I don't think it will happen (division, ed.)," he explained. Finally, the Vice President continued, is a sociological frame, namely by strengthening various local wisdoms in each region in an effort to maintain harmony. between communities.

"If we can strengthen the four frames, God willing, hatred and the ways that cause conflict can be avoided, without losing our urgency to be critical," he said.

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