JAKARTA - Child marriage in Aceh province in January-October 2023 reached 1,310 people. This number has doubled compared to the previous year, 651 people.
"This year we recorded that until October 2023 there were 1,310 people consisting of 47 men and 1,263 women. The number almost always increased from year to year," said Head of Islamic Religious Affairs of the Aceh Ministry of Religion Regional Office, Mukhlis in Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, November 28.
Mukhlis conveyed that the data was collected from the religious affairs office (KUA) throughout Aceh. Where the highest number of child marriages was in KUA Johan Pahlawan, West Aceh as many as 470 people.
Followed by KUA Banda Sakti Lhokseumawe as many as 356 people, KUA Lueng Bata Banda Aceh 353 people, KUA Peureulak East Aceh 315 people, and KUA Darul Makmur Nagan Raya 307 people.
Furthermore, based on data accumulation, the number of marriages for the age of 19 years has increased sharply in the last 10 months compared to previous years, namely 2020 which reached 637 people consisting of 47 men and 590 women.
"Then, again increased in 2021 to 730 people consisting of 50 men and 690 women. Then, in 2022 it decreased to 651 people consisting of 55 men and 596 women," said Mukhlis.
Meanwhile, the head of the team of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) of the Aceh Ministry of Religion Regional Office, Khairuddin, said the number had increased because of the mindset of the community and parents who thought that marriage was the most important achievement in women's lives.
"There is a view of parents who are honored if they marry their girls after graduation, because accelerating marriage is part of respect and recognition is important for women," he said.
In addition, he said, the lower class family economy also contributed to the high number of child marriages. Where, parents choose to marry their children so that they can reduce the dependents of their families and children can get out of poverty.
"There is an assumption that marriage can reduce the burden on the family because it has been financed by the husband," he said.
In addition, said Khairuddin, the faded values of the younger generation are also one of the causes of child marriage, due to falling into promiscuity that causes pregnancy outside of marriage.
" “ We did not record the cause, but there were several cases because we were pregnant outside of marriage so that we were married as soon as possible before the stomach grew or gave birth," he said.
On the other hand, he stated that the Aceh Ministry of Religion collaborated with the Aceh BKKBN and DP3A to continue to strive to prevent child marriage with various efforts, including a awareness program through School Age Guidance (BRUS).
Then, the Marriage Age Youth Guidance Program (BRUN) at the age of 19 years and Marriage Guidance (Bimwin) which must be followed by prospective brides.
The last Pusaka Sakinah program for married people, with a target in the first 5 years of marriage because 73 percent of divorces are marriages under 5 years,” so is Khairuddin.
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