BENGKULU - Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah asked the district city government in Bengkulu to immediately pay motor vehicle tax arrears from the official vehicles of each region.

"Especially I ask the official vehicles, I get reports that the 9 regencies and cities are almost evenly distributed, the arrears from this red plate motor vehicle tax, which are official cars, official motorbikes, are huge," said Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

Governor Rohidin also asked the mayors and regents to budget the funds to be used to pay the tax arrears for motorized vehicles in each region.

"So I ask the mayor to budget, or if the vehicle has been damaged, it has been lost, don't register, keep trying to be abolished from the assets so that later it doesn't seem as if we don't comply with the vehicle, it doesn't work anymore," he said.

The Bengkulu Provincial Government has realized a transfer fee (BBN) and motor vehicle tax (PKB) program. With this program, vehicle owners only pay the last tax without being charged arrears fine fees.

The program, as designed by the Bengkulu Provincial Government, will end on November 30, 2023. Therefore, the Bengkulu Governor appealed to all parties not to waste the opportunity from the program that has been going on since May 2023.

"So to the people of Bengkulu, we hope to use tax burden exemption facilities, this is very positive because we do give a time span," said the governor.

As of November 8, 2023, the Bengkulu Provincial Government noted that 108,385 motorized vehicles had enjoyed the motor vehicle tax bleaching program and the transfer fee for the name of the motorized vehicle.

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