JAKARTA - The three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates will undergo a debate held by the General Elections Commission (KPU) during the campaign stage.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari views that the presidential and vice presidential candidates can actually predict the themes that will be asked by moderators during the debate held in each election.

"Regarding the topic (of debate), it is already in the law. So, all candidates, all teams of candidate pairs, can predict what this topic is," said Hasyim at the KPU office, Monday, November 27.

In the General Election Commission Decree Number 1621 of 2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of General Election Campaigns, it is explained that the debate of the presidential and vice presidential pairs is guided by moderators.

During the campaign stage, the debate was held five times. The duration of each debate between the candidate pairs is 150 minutes, with details of 120 minutes for the debate segment of the Candidate Pair and 30 minutes for ad breaks.

Debates are divided into six segments that include opening; reading the rules and delivery of vision, mission, and work programs; deepening, question and answer and rebuttal; and closing.

It was also explained that the debate theme refers to the national vision as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and guided the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN).

The debate theme was set after coordinating with the candidate pairs or their campaign teams. The specific theme of each debate was prepared together with a panelist in accordance with his field of expertise, both from professionals, academics, and community leaders.

Therefore, if there are allegations that the 2024 presidential election debate will be leaked, Hasyim denies this. According to him, the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs only know the theme of the debate that will be discussed.

"Regarding the debate material, in the Election Law there are all the big topics. Then from there we will look for more technical formulations. Topics of government, for example, then what needs to be debated or become an issue to become a conversation between candidates," explained Hasyim.

"So, it's not leaked later in the sense of the details of the questions, if not. Everyone already knows," he continued.

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