MADIUN - Body of Corporal Two (posthumous) Dwi Bekti Probo Siniwoko (28), a member of Battalion 411/Pandawa who died during a shootout with an armed criminal group (KKB) in Nduga Regency, Papua, was buried in Madiun City Heroes Cemetery, East Java.

The funeral was carried out militarily led by the Commander of the Kostrad Infantry Division Major General TNI Haryanto.

The late ProboSiniwoko who died in the task of getting an extraordinary promotion as an award from the state for his service to the homeland and nation, from the previous rank of head soldiers to become kopral two posthumous.

"The big family of the Indonesian Army is deeply saddened by the loss of the best soldier. The late Kopda Anumerta Dwi Bekti Probo Siniwoko is the nation's kusuma who died in carrying out the duties of the state. As a sign of service for soldiers who died in duty, getting the right in the form of an extraordinary promotion one level," said TNI Major General Haryanto in his remarks at the military funeral ceremony. reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

For the families left by KopdaProbo, they receive compensation from Asabri, widow compensation, and school fees for school children, as well as refunds for savings and funeral care from the TNI AD Headquarters.

Before being buried, the body of Kopda Anumerta Probo was buried at the Tegalarum Village funeral home, Bendo District, Magetan Regency.

The TNI member from Magetan died after a gun battle with KKB members in Nduga Regency, Papua, Saturday (25/11). Apart from Probo, there were two other TNI AD personnel who also died during the shootout.

To Probo's family and colleagues, Major General Haryanto stated that the late Probo was a member of the TNI who was dedicated and big-hearted.

"The deceased has a high dedication in his dedication and sacrifice to society, nation and state," he said.

Probo meninggalkan seorang istri bernama Dita Kurnia Putri (27) yang dinikah pada 2021 dan seorang anak yang baru berusia satu bulan, Yudhistira Cakrayudha Siniwoko.

"My husband served in Papua for about five months, at that time I was five months pregnant. Now our child has been born aged one month and has never met his father in person," said Dita.

Dita admitted that he had recently communicated with her husband on Thursday (23/11) afternoon. At that time Probo said goodbye to the baby's child through a video calling facility that he was about to go to the forest.

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