SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) sent home a beggar with the initials AB who had gone viral on social media to his area of origin, for forcing him to ask for Rp5,000.

Head of Surabaya City Satpol PP M. Fikser said beggars had been arrested by the Surabaya Police and had undergone coaching in the Keputih Social Pondok (Liponsos) Surabaya.

"I hope this kind of incident doesn't happen again in the city of Surabaya. I also hope AB can do better and get a better job tomorrow," Fikser said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Order (Trantibum) of the Surabaya City Satpol PP, Irna Pawanti, said that AB beggars would be returned to their hometown according to their family card (KK).

"Our AB beggars found two data for families from outside the city, while their ID cards were registered as residents of Surabaya. After we checked at the Population Service (Dispendukcapil), it turned out that this was an old KTP and it was no longer valid, so we will return it to its hometown according to the KK," said Irna, who did not want to mention the city of beggar origin.

Irna explained that in order to follow up on the AB case, the Surabaya City Satpol PP would write to the local government. "Hopefully the government will participate in supervising the person concerned. So, later from Kasatpol PP Surabaya will write to Kasatpol PP in the area of origin," he said.

Irna hopes that AB beggars will not return to Surabaya to carry out their actions again. "Of course we will take firm action if he returns to Surabaya. Because he has harmed the citizens of Surabaya," he said.

After being trained at Liponsos, AB beggars admitted and regretted his actions that had disturbed the residents of the city of Surabaya. AB said that he would not repeat his actions again.

"I apologize to all residents of Surabaya, for which my actions have been troubling the people of Surabaya. I promise not to do it again. If I repeat it, I am ready to be given severe sanctions," he said.

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