JAKARTA - DM (72), an elderly man was found dead on the roof of his house in North Manggarai II, Tebet, South Jakarta, Monday afternoon, November 27, at around 11.00 WIB.

DM was found by his neighbor, Warjono (56) who was suspicious of seeing his feet hanging on the edge of his house.

At first, Warjono thought DM was asleep on the roof. However, after several calls, DM was not aware either. Suspicious, Warjono also contacted DM's family until he continued to report to the police.

Tebet Police Chief, Kompol Jamalinus L. P Nababan explained that the DM victim was suspected of being sick while at the atao house to make repairs because his house was leaking.

"Allegedly due to illness. (Found) in a supine position and not moving," Jamalinus said when confirmed, Monday, November 27.

DM's body was finally evacuated by firefighters after coordinating with the police.

"Not long after, firefighters came to help lower the victim," he said.

The police are investigating the discovery of DM. However, no one knows when the victim climbed the roof of his house. The suspicion is that DM has been on the roof of his house for 24 hours.

Jamalinus did not provide an explanation regarding the disease that was suspected to be the cause of DM's death above his house. The family is also said to have let DM go.

"Yes (it hurts) by making a statement that he is not willing to do a post-mortem and does not demand anything criminally or civilly," he concluded.

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