Deputy Mayor Of Bima NTB, Fery Sofyan Becomes Suspect Of Jetty Pier Construction, Police: Detainers Waiting For Prosecutors
Kapolres Bima Kota AKBP Haryo Tedjo Wicaksono (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Handling the case of Deputy Mayor of Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Fery Sofyan, who is a suspect in a case of suspected violation of environmental permits is still awaiting the results of the prosecutor's research.

"So now we are still waiting for the results of the prosecutor's research. What are the results, we will see later," said Head of Bima City Police, AKBP Haryo Tedjo Wicaksono to reporters in Mataram as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 16.

Fery Sofyan, who is currently still active as Deputy Mayor of Bima City, was named a suspect for allegedly violating Article 109 Juncto Article 36 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 32/2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management.

This article describes the crimes against individuals or business entities carrying out activities without obtaining an environmental permit. The maximum penalty is three years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 3 billion. Due to the threat of a sentence of less than four years in prison, the police have not detained the suspect until now.

Haryo said, Fery is suspected of carrying out the construction of the Jetty Pier without obtaining an environmental permit. He also confirmed this based on evidence obtained by investigators. Fery is suspected of being the mastermind behind the construction of the Jetty Pier.

"He made it, the owner and maker of the jetty, who ordered the execution. But there was no permit. It should have been from the LHK," he said.

In addition, the determination as a suspect has also been corroborated from the opinion of an expert who analyzed the damage to the marine ecosystem due to the construction of the Jetty without a permit.

"The expert stated that there was damage. There was economic loss and ecological loss," he said.

As a suspect, Fery once submitted a pretrial to the Bima District Court. One of them is related to his determination as a suspect. However, the single judge Horas El Cairo Purba rejected the proposal on December 15, 2020.

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