Prevent Negative Information Ahead Of The 2024 General Election, DIY Police Form Antihoaks Task Force
Illustration of hoaxes (Between)

JAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Police (Polda DIY) formed an antihoax team to ward off hoaxes or fake news that could potentially circulate in the community during the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. "We formed an antihoax team so that this hoax would not last more than one day," said Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 26. According to Suwondo, if hoaxes were found, then the DIY Regional Police antihoax team would immediately coordinate with relevant agencies to straighten out or provide valid information to the public. with the team's quick motion, Suwondo hopes that the false and false information circulating will not last long. "We will immediately contact the relevanttakeholders (employers). For example, when they talk about the election schedule, we invite the KPU to talk and immediately spread it out," said the police general. Suwondo ensures that the control of the dissemination of hoax information is applied to all stages of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. Meanwhile, to maintain security ahead of the campaign period, starting Tuesday, November 28, Suwondo said his staff had intensified patrols in various corners of the region in Yogyakarta. "Our patrol is carried out not only for elections, but also to anticipate all problems in Yogyakarta. This is in order to safeguard it," said Suwondo.

According to him, various anticipatory efforts have been prepared by the Yogyakarta Regional Police by referring to the index and map of election vulnerability in the 2019 Election, both those sourced from the Yogyakarta Bawaslu and the DIY Police Intelligence. "In 2019 and previous years, the potential that often occurs in Yogyakarta is actually inter-supporting clashes. This is what we must maintain," said Suwondo. The opportunity for spreading hoaxes and hate speech is still large ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Election. "Supervision requires technology, yes. That's what we don't have, to effectively monitor social media one by one, because the number is very large. That's why we collaborate with the Yogyakarta Regional Police," said Najib.

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