Declaration Of Peaceful Elections By PSHT: LaNyalla Encourages Active Community Involvement, Affirms Diversity In Unity
Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti attended the "Declaration of Peaceful Elections (photo: dock. dpd)

MADIUN- Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti was present at the "Declaration of Peaceful Elections" organized by the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood (PSHT), the largest martial arts organization in Indonesia. LaNyalla, who also serves as Chairman of the PSHT Board of Trustees, emphasized the importance of the role of PSHT in ensuring the running of the general election (Pemilu) peacefully, directly, publicly, cleanly, and successfully in Indonesia.

The declaration event which took place at the Wilis Stadium, Madiun, on Sunday, November 26, became a forum for LaNyalla to convey an important message regarding the responsibility of all citizens in ensuring the quality of the democratic process. He highlighted the freedom of citizens in determining their choices and the importance of a fair and free space for election participants.

LaNyalla menyadari bahwa Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) tidak dapat bekerja sendiri untuk memastikan pemilu berkualitas, terutama dengan sebaran tempat komilikan yang mencapai lebih dari 820 ribu di seluruh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, keterlibatan aktif dari elemen masyarakat, termasuk organisasi sosial kemasyarakat seperti PSHT, menjadi kunci untuk mengawal dan memastikan keberhasilnya Pemilu.

"Of course the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) will not be able to work alone to ensure quality elections. Especially with the distribution of more than 820 thousand polling stations throughout Indonesia," said LaNyalla.

The General Chair of PSHT, Moerdjoko, emphasized the attitude of organizational neutrality towards political parties, while giving freedom to its members to participate in political activities, both as voters and as candidates. In the political discourse, PSHT prioritizes the values of diversity in unity, and this declaration is a concrete form of commitment.

"Political attitude of state PSHT, we uphold Pancasila, UUD 45, unitary state and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. That PSHT is not affiliated with does not depend, does not bind to any political party, is not bound, we are neutral, we must maintain the tradition of PSHT," said Moerdjoko.

PSHT gives its citizens the freedom to do politics, whether they choose or are elected. "Let's keep our rules and make them a peaceful election," he said.

LaNyalla also highlighted the polarization that occurred as a result of the Presidential Election Directly (Pilpressung), emphasizing that this system does not match the pluralistic character of the Indonesian nation. He noted that since the reform era, Indonesia has experienced significant changes in its culture and identity, towards a more individualist and liberal direction.

Since the Reformation Era, which was marked by the Amendment to the 1945 Constitution, the Indonesian nation seems to have turned into another nation. The nation, which is inspired by the cultural roots and identity of itself, has become an increasingly individual and liberal nation and is pragmatic.

"Even though we actually already have the original system. Namely the elections that are held to elect representatives of the people. Those who will sit in the DPR RI. Meanwhile, other delegates, namely representatives of groups and regional envoys, who sit in the MPR RI, are not elected through the elections but must be sent from below. These are all members of the DPR, members of the group delegates and members of regional delegates who are the incarnation of the people from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote," said LaNyalla.

"They are the ones who will consult at the MPR RI, to formulate the State Policy, and choose the President to carry out the State's Policy. So that the President is the Civilist of the People's Incarnation. This means that the President is a people's officer," he said.

But because of the irregularities that occurred in the New Order era, we throw away the formulation system of the nation's founders and replace them with an individualized and liberal west system. Whereas it should, during reforms, what we are fixing is deviations that occurred in the new order era. Not replacing the state system by adopting a western-style liberal system.

"This is what I am currently fighting for. So that this nation returns to the state system according to the formulation of the nation's founders, which we perfect and strengthen, so that irregularities that occur in the old order era and the new order do not happen again," he said.

At the end of his speech, LaNyalla invited this nation to build collective awareness to return to Pancasila. Again implement Pancasila democracy. So that sovereignty remains in the hands of the people, who are in the highest state institutions.

In closing his remarks, LaNyalla invited the entire nation to build collective awareness that returned to Pancasila and implement Pancasila Democracy. He emphasized the importance of restoring sovereignty to the people and strengthening the state system in accordance with the formation of the nation's founders.

This event was attended by important figures such as Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan, Member of the DPD RI Tamsil Linrung, Pangdam V Brawijaya Major General TNI Farid Makruf, Deputy Chief of East Java Police Brigadier General Pol Akhmad Yusep Gunawan, Mayor of Madiun Maidi, Chairman of the KPU East Java Province, Chairman of Bawaslu East Java Province, and the Central Board of PSHT Isssoebijantoro. The declaration of the Peace Election by PSHT is expected to be a real step in supporting a quality and peaceful democratic process in the Land

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